A bundled pallet is a necessary item of safety equipment that ensures all potential leaks are contained effectively. With a durable design, bunded pallets provide drums and containers with a reliable catchment solution to protect against leaking chemicals or liquids, ensuring nothing ends up on the floor. As a result, you will not have unknown liquids pooling around your workspace, whether dangerous to touch or slippery when stepped on. Read on to find out more about these containment solutions.
Why Are Bunded Pallets Needed?
There are various benefits to using these well-designed containment systems. Spills can be cleaned up more safely and efficiently, with less impact on productivity and with less reliance on additional spill kits and specialised equipment. Bunded pallets are preventative in containing spills – spill kits are reactive to spills. These reliable designs help to keep all the chemicals in one place, ensuring that the liquids cannot run further than the containment area below. As a result, personnel and the surrounding environment can be kept safe from the risks of hazardous chemical contamination. In addition, they can help you to meet various health and safety regulations needed to work with and store these chemicals on-site. When you have compliant and reliable safety equipment, you can rest easy knowing your staff are protected, and your business is running efficiently.
Choosing The Right Bunded Pallet
There are many types, sizes and designs of bunded pallets available. Which one is right for you depends on several factors. It must be the right size and capacity to contain the chemicals you are working with responsibly. Bunded spill pallets can be designed for small containers, such as multiple 10L and 20L drums, 205L drums, or larger storage containers like an intermediate bulk containers (IBC). The chosen spill containment product must also always meet any legislative or regulatory requirements. Best practice requires the sump capacity to be 110% of the volume of the largest drum stored on the bund. Various chemicals are subject to different controls concerning safe storage, and you must always abide by these guidelines when keeping chemicals on-site over time. Finally, select the product option that suits your needs, whether stationary or mobile, large or small.
Durable Material Solution
Because bunded pallets are often used for storing oils, chemicals and other industrial fluids, these containment products must be made from the right materials to withstand potentially corrosive materials. Most spill systems are made from plastic, specifically, Polyethylene. This is not only the most commonly used type of plastic in the world, but it also offers excellent resistance to most workplace liquids. Other material options are available, which our professionals can guide you through when dealing with heavier chemical solutions.
In conclusion, bunded pallets are a safety measure in many businesses, helping you effectively contain leaks and spills. These catchment solutions ensure you never put your business or personnel at risk when around your workspace. Contact us today to find out more about our range of bunded pallets.