Hazchem Spill Kit – Hydrofluoric acid 650mL absorbent capacity
This small, 650mL hydrofluoric acid spill kit is ideal for workshops, warehouses, factories, plants, laboratories, sites – wherever hydrofluoric acid is stored, handled and spilled.
This kit is designed for spills of 650mL or less. If the spill is larger, do not attempt clean-up and call Fire and Emergency Services immediately on 000.
- Ideal for work areas where HF acid is stored and used.
- Neutralising powder makes the spill safe to clean up
- Non-toxic, non-flammable absorbent with no pre-mixing required.
- Three disposal bags – two (double-bagged) for contaminated waste and one for contaminated PPE.
- All spill kit components stored in 20 litre pail.
- Spill kit includes labels, laminated re-order form and operating instructions.
- Spill kit can be customised by adding/removing/swapping components.
- Clean up materials from conventional spill kits, such as booms and pads can be dissolved by hydrofluoric acid.
- Kitty litters, vermiculite or sand should not be used – hydrofluoric acid reacts with silica to produce silicon tetrafluoride, a toxic gas.
Spill kits are available in an extensive range of sizes and types to ensure a fit for purpose spill kit is on hand to help minimise risk and meet environmental obligations.